✨ KQL query collection

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Query Language (KQL) Query Collection

Query Language (KQL) is the language used across Azure Resource Graph, Azure Monitor, Azure Data Explorer, and Azure Log Analytics.

Here is a collection of queries: Resource Graph Queries

⭐✨ Azure Advisor

Service retirement

2| project id, properties.impact, properties.shortDescription.problem


List node pools

2| where type == "microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters"
3| extend nodepools = properties.agentPoolProfiles
4| mv-expand nodepools
5| project name, nodepools.name, nodepools.vmSize, nodepools.minCount, nodepools.maxCount, nodepools.powerState.code, nodeCount = tostring(nodepools['count'])
6| sort by name

List nodes pools2

2| where type == "microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters"
3| extend properties.agentPoolProfiles
4| project subscriptionId, name, pool = (properties.agentPoolProfiles)
5| mv-expand pool
6| project subscription = subscriptionId, cluster = name, size = pool.vmSize, count = pool.['count']

Get Node pools information

2| where type == "microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters"
3| extend properties.agentPoolProfiles
4| project subscriptionId, name, nodePool = properties.agentPoolProfiles
5| mv-expand nodePool
6| project subscriptionId, name, sku = nodePool.vmSize, count = nodePool.['count'], powerState = nodePool.powerState.code

⭐ Disks

Get Premium Disks

 2| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/disks'
 3| extend skuName=tostring(sku.name)
 4| extend accountType=case(skuName =~ 'Standard_LRS', 'Standard HDD LRS',
 5                          skuName =~ 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'Standard SSD LRS',
 6                          skuName =~ 'UltraSSD_LRS', 'Ultra disk LRS',
 7                          skuName =~ 'Premium_LRS', 'Premium SSD LRS',
 8                          skuName =~ 'Standard_ZRS', 'Zone-redundant',
 9                          skuName =~ 'Premium_ZRS', 'Premium SSD ZRS',
10                          skuName =~ 'StandardSSD_ZRS', 'Standard SSD ZRS',
11                          skuName)
12| where accountType contains "Premium"

Get SSD Disks

 2| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/disks'
 3| extend skuName=tostring(sku.name)
 4| extend accountType=case(skuName =~ 'Standard_LRS', 'Standard HDD LRS',
 5                          skuName =~ 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'Standard SSD LRS',
 6                          skuName =~ 'UltraSSD_LRS', 'Ultra disk LRS',
 7                          skuName =~ 'Premium_LRS', 'Premium SSD LRS',
 8                          skuName =~ 'Standard_ZRS', 'Zone-redundant',
 9                          skuName =~ 'Premium_ZRS', 'Premium SSD ZRS',
10                          skuName =~ 'StandardSSD_ZRS', 'Standard SSD ZRS',
11                          skuName)
12| where accountType contains "SSD"

Get ZRS Disks

 2| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/disks'
 3| extend skuName=tostring(sku.name)
 4| extend accountType=case(skuName =~ 'Standard_LRS', 'Standard HDD LRS',
 5                          skuName =~ 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'Standard SSD LRS',
 6                          skuName =~ 'UltraSSD_LRS', 'Ultra disk LRS',
 7                          skuName =~ 'Premium_LRS', 'Premium SSD LRS',
 8                          skuName =~ 'Standard_ZRS', 'Zone-redundant',
 9                          skuName =~ 'Premium_ZRS', 'Premium SSD ZRS',
10                          skuName =~ 'StandardSSD_ZRS', 'Standard SSD ZRS',
11                          skuName)
12| where accountType contains "ZRS"

Sort Disks By Size IOPS

2| where type == "microsoft.compute/disks"
3| project Disk_name=name, SKU=sku.name, Size=strcat(properties['diskSizeGB'],"GB"), IOPS=tolong(properties['diskIOPSReadWrite'])
4| sort by Size

⭐ Frontdoor

Routing rules and accepted protocols

2| where type == "microsoft.network/frontdoors"
3| project subscriptionId, frontDoorName=name, routingRules = (properties.routingRules)
4| mv-expand routingRules
5| project subscriptionId, frontDoorName, routingRuleName=routingRules.name, protocols = routingRules.properties

⭐ Network

List all subnets with delegation

2| where type == "microsoft.network/virtualnetworks"
3| project vnetName = name, subnets = (properties.subnets)
4| mvexpand subnets
5| extend subnetName = (subnets.name)
6| extend isDelegated = isnotnull(subnets.properties.delegations) and array_length(subnets.properties.delegations) != 0
7| where isDelegated == 1
8| project vnetName, subnetName

List subnets without NSG

2| where type == "microsoft.network/virtualnetworks"
3| project vnetName = name, subnets = (properties.subnets)
4| mvexpand subnets
5| extend subnetName = (subnets.name)
6| extend hasNSG = isnotnull(subnets.properties.networkSecurityGroup)
7| where hasNSG == 0
8| project vnetName, subnetName

List subnets with service endpoint

2| where type == "microsoft.network/virtualnetworks"
3| project vnetName = name, subnets = (properties.subnets)
4| mvexpand subnets
5| extend subnetName = (subnets.name)
6| extend hasServiceEndpoints = isnotnull(subnets.properties.serviceEndpoints) and array_length(subnets.properties.serviceEndpoints) != 0
7| where hasServiceEndpoints == 1
8| project vnetName, subnetName

List subnet with UDR

2| where type == "microsoft.network/virtualnetworks"
3| project vnetName = name, subnets = (properties.subnets)
4| mvexpand subnets
5| extend subnetName = (subnets.name)
6| extend hasRouteTable = isnotnull(subnets.properties.routeTable)
7| where hasRouteTable == 1
8| project vnetName, subnetName

Subnet IP usage

 2| where type == "microsoft.network/virtualnetworks"
 3| project vnetName = name, subnets = (properties.subnets)
 4| mvexpand subnets
 5| extend subnetName = (subnets.name)
 6| extend mask = split(subnets.properties.addressPrefix, '/', 1)[0]
 7| extend usedIp = array_length(subnets.properties.ipConfigurations)
 8| extend totalIp = case(mask == 29, 3,
 9                        mask == 28, 11,
10                        mask == 27, 27,
11                        mask == 26, 59,
12                        mask == 25, 123,
13                        mask == 24, 251,
14                        mask == 23, 507,
15                        mask == 22, 1019,
16                        mask == 21, 2043,
17                        mask == 20, 4091,
18                        mask == 19, 8187,
19                        mask == 18, 16379,
20                        mask == 17, 32763,
21                        mask == 16, 65531,
22                        mask == 15, 131067,
23                        mask == 14, 262139,
24                        mask == 13, 524283,
25                        mask == 12, 1048571,
26                        mask == 11, 2097147,
27                        mask == 10, 4194299,
28                        mask == 9, 8388603,
29                        mask == 8, 16777211,
30                        -1)
31| extend availableIp = totalIp - usedIp
32| project vnetName, subnetName, mask, usedIp, totalIp, availableIp, subnets
33| order by toint(mask) desc

⭐ Resources

Display last resources changes since the last week

 2| extend changeTime = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp),
 3targetResourceId = tostring(properties.targetResourceId),
 4changeType = tostring(properties.changeType), changedBy = tostring(properties.changeAttributes.changedBy),
 5changedByType = properties.changeAttributes.changedByType,
 6clientType = tostring(properties.changeAttributes.clientType)
 7| where changeTime > ago(7d)
 8| project changeType, changedBy, changedByType, clientType
 9| summarize count() by changedBy, changeType, clientType
10| order by count_ desc

⭐ Resources Groups

Display Empty Resource Groups

2| where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
3| extend rgAndSub = strcat(resourceGroup, '--', subscriptionId)
4| join kind=leftouter (
5    Resources
6    | extend rgAndSub = strcat(resourceGroup, '--', subscriptionId)
7    | summarize count() by rgAndSub
8) on rgAndSub
9| where isnull(count_)

⭐ Policies

Find unused custom policies

 2| where type == "microsoft.authorization/policydefinitions"
 3| extend policyType = tostring(properties.policyType)
 4| where policyType == "Custom"
 5| join kind=leftouter (
 6    policyresources
 7    | where type == "microsoft.authorization/policysetdefinitions"
 8    | extend policyType = tostring(properties.policyType)
 9    | extend  policyDefinitions = properties.policyDefinitions
10    | where policyType == "Custom"
11    | mv-expand policyDefinitions
12    | extend policyDefinitionId = tostring(policyDefinitions.policyDefinitionId)
13    | project associedIdToInitiative=policyDefinitionId
14    | distinct associedIdToInitiative) on $left.id == $right.associedIdToInitiative
15| where associedIdToInitiative == ""
16| join kind=leftouter(
17    policyresources
18    | where type == "microsoft.authorization/policyassignments"
19    | extend policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId)
20    | project associatedDefinitionId=policyDefinitionId
21    | distinct associatedDefinitionId
22) on $left.id == $right.associatedDefinitionId
23| where associatedDefinitionId == ""
24| extend displayName = tostring(properties.displayName)
25| project id, displayName

Count policies assignment by scope

2| where type == "microsoft.authorization/policyassignments"
3| extend scope = tostring(properties.scope)
4| summarize count() by scope
5| order by count_ desc

Count custom policies assignments by scope

2| where type == "microsoft.authorization/policydefinitions"
3| extend policyType = tostring(properties.policyType)
4| where policyType == "Custom"
5| project id
6| extend scope = tostring(split(id, "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/", 0)[0])
7| summarize count() by scope
8| order by count_ desc


List user direct assignment at management group level

2| extend scope = tostring(properties.scope)
3| join kind = inner (
4    resourcecontainers
5    | where type == "microsoft.management/managementgroups"
6    | project  managementGroupId=id, managementGroupName=properties.displayName
7) on $right.managementGroupId == $left.scope
8| where properties.principaltype == "User"
9| project properties.createdOn, managementGroupName, scope, managementGroupId

List user assignment at subscription level

2| join kind = inner (
3    resourcecontainers
4    | where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
5    | project  subscriptionName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
6| where type == "microsoft.authorization/roleassignments"
7| where properties.principalType == "User"
8| project properties.createdOn, properties.scope, properties.principalId, subscriptionId

All RBAC Assignments

 2| where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roleassignments'
 3| extend roleDefinitionId= tolower(tostring(properties.roleDefinitionId))
 4| extend principalType = properties.principalType
 5| extend principalId = properties.principalId
 6| extend description = properties.description
 7| extend scope = properties.scope
 8| extend createdBy  = properties.createdBy
 9| join kind = inner (
11| where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions'
12| extend roleDefinitionId = tolower(id)
13| extend roleName = tostring(properties.roleName)
14| extend roleType = tostring(properties.type)
15| project roleDefinitionId,roleName,roleType
16) on roleDefinitionId
17| project principalId,principalType,createdBy,description,roleName,roleType,scope,roleDefinitionId

⭐ Resource Groups

Display Empty Resource Groups

2| where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
3| extend rgAndSub = strcat(resourceGroup, '--', subscriptionId)
4| join kind=leftouter (
5    Resources
6    | extend rgAndSub = strcat(resourceGroup, '--', subscriptionId)
7    | summarize count() by rgAndSub
8) on rgAndSub
9| where isnull(count_)

⭐ Resource changes

Display last resources changes since the last week

 2| extend changeTime = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp),
 3targetResourceId = tostring(properties.targetResourceId),
 4changeType = tostring(properties.changeType), changedBy = tostring(properties.changeAttributes.changedBy),
 5changedByType = properties.changeAttributes.changedByType,
 6clientType = tostring(properties.changeAttributes.clientType)
 7| where changeTime > ago(7d)
 8| project changeType, changedBy, changedByType, clientType
 9| summarize count() by changedBy, changeType, clientType
10| order by count_ desc

⭐ Service Health

Display by Impacted resource Id

2| where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/events/impactedresources"
3| extend TrackingId = split(split(id, "/events/", 1)[0], "/impactedResources", 0)[0]
4| extend p = parse_json(properties)
5| project subscriptionId, TrackingId,  targetResourceId= tostring(p.targetResourceId), details = p
6| join kind=inner (
7    resources
8    )
9    on $left.targetResourceId == $right.id

Display by Events (TrackingId)

2| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
3| extend eventType = tostring(properties.EventType), status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime,
4EventSubType = properties.EventSubType
5| mv-expand Impact = properties.Impact
6| extend ImpactedService = Impact.ImpactedService
7| where eventType == 'HealthAdvisory' and status == 'Active' and  EventSubType == 'Retirement'
8| summarize count(subscriptionId) by name
9| order by ['count_subscriptionId'] desc

Display by Events (TrackingId) and Resource Id impacted

 1// Filter Specific Tracking IDs and Combine Health Advisory with Impacted Resources
 3| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
 4| extend
 5    eventType = properties.EventType,
 6    EventSubType = properties.EventSubType,
 7    status = properties.Status,
 8    description = properties.Title,
 9    trackingId = tostring(properties.TrackingId),  // Explicitly cast TrackingId to string
10    summary = properties.Summary,
11    priority = properties.Priority,
12    impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime,
13    impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime
14| mv-expand Impact = properties.Impact
15| extend ImpactedService = Impact.ImpactedService
16//| where eventType == 'HealthAdvisory' and status == 'Active' and  EventSubType == 'Retirement'
17| where eventType == 'PlannedMaintenance' and status == 'Active'
18| join kind=inner (
19    servicehealthresources
20    | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/events/impactedresources"
21    | extend TrackingId = tostring(split(split(id, "/events/", 1)[0], "/impactedResources", 0)[0]) // Explicitly cast TrackingId to string
22    | extend p = parse_json(properties)
23    | project subscriptionId, TrackingId, targetResourceId = tostring(p.targetResourceId), details = p
24) on $left.trackingId == $right.TrackingId
25| project
26    trackingId,
27    subscriptionId,
28    ImpactedService,
29    targetResourceId,
30    description,
31    summary,
32    priority,
33    impactStartTime,
34    impactMitigationTime,
35    details

⭐ Storage Accounts

Count Storage accounts by sku

2| where type == "microsoft.storage/storageaccounts"
3| extend sku = sku.name
4| summarize count(name) by tostring(sku)

⭐ Subscriptions

List subscriptions part of an EA

2| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
3| where properties.state == "Enabled"
4| mv-expand subscriptionPolicies = properties.subscriptionPolicies
5| where name !contains "Visual Studio" and subscriptionPolicies.quotaId startswith "MSDNDevTest" or subscriptionPolicies.quotaId startswith "EnterpriseAgreement"

List subscriptions by MG

2| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
3| extend  mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain
4| mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent
5| project subscriptionId, name, mgParent, MGHierarchy, mgParent.name

Count subscriptions by MG

2| where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups'
3| project mgname = name
4| join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers | where type=~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
5| extend  mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | project id, mgname = tostring(mgParent[0].name)) on mgname
6| summarize count() by mgname

Count all subscriptions by tenant

2| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
3| project SubscriptionName=name, subscriptionId, tenantId
4| summarize count() by tenantId
5| order by ['count_'] desc

List resources part of a list of subscriptions

2| where subscriptionId in ("subid1-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx", "subid2-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx", "subid3-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx", "subid4-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx")

Check subscription naming convention

2| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
3| where properties.state == 'Enabled'
4| extend NamingCheck = iff((name startswith 'sub-'),"Naming is OK","Naming is not OK")
5| summarize count() by NamingCheck

Check subscription naming convention on a specific management group

2| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
3| where properties.state == 'Enabled'
4| where properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain contains 'Production'
5| extend NamingCheck = iff((name startswith 'sub-'),"Naming is OK","Naming is not OK")
6| summarize count() by NamingCheck

List subscriptions in a specific management group

2 | where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
3 | where (properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain) contains "Sandbox"

Count resources type in a subscription

2| join kind=leftouter
3   (resourcecontainers
4   | where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
5   | project subscriptionName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
6| where subscriptionName  == "<your-sub-name-here>"
7| summarize count() by type, subscriptionName

Count subscriptions by management groups

2| where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
3| project subscriptionName = name, managementgroups = (properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain)
4| mv-expand managementgroups
5| summarize count() by tostring(managementgroups.displayName)
6| order by count_ desc

⭐ Tags

Resources without tag

2| where type != "microsoft.management/managementgroups"
3| mv-expand bagexpansion=array tags
4| where isempty(tags)

Resources with specific tags and expand tag names/values to individual rows

 2| where type != "microsoft.management/managementgroups"
 3| mvexpand parsejson(tags)
 4| extend tagname = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
 5| extend tagvalue = tostring(tags[tagname])
 6| project  name,id,type,location,subscriptionId,tagname,tagvalue
 7| union (resources
 8| mvexpand parsejson(tags)
 9| extend tagname = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
10| extend tagvalue = tostring(tags[tagname])
11| project name,id,type,location,subscriptionId,tagname,tagvalue)
12| where tagname == "Environment" or tagname == "Owner"

Resources not containing a specific tag

2| where tags !contains 'Environment'

Resources not containing a tag and count

2| where tags !contains 'Environment'
3| project name, resourceGroup, subscriptionId, location, tags
4| summarize count () by subscriptionId

All tags for resources

2| project  name,type,location,subscriptionId,tags
3| union (resources | project name,type,location,subscriptionId,tags)

Count for a specific tag key

2| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
3| mvexpand tags
4| extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
5| extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
6| where tagKey == "Environment"
7| summarize count() by tagValue
8| order by ['count_'] desc


2| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
3| mvexpand tags
4| extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
5| extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
6| where tagKey hasprefix "creat"  and tagKey hasprefix "cr"
7| project name, tags, tagKey, tagValue