Network Security Perimeter (NSP)

Do you want to restrict access to your Web App to specific users or groups within your organization? (which is by default enabled for all the users in the tenant).

Network security perimeter (NSP) allows organizations to define a logical network isolation boundary for PaaS resources (for example, Azure Storage account and SQL Database server) that are deployed outside your organization’s virtual networks. It restricts public network access to PaaS resources within the perimeter; access can be exempted by using explicit access rules for public inbound and outbound.

Official Microsoft documentation:

Pain points

  • Inconsistent access controls: PaaS services have partial and inconsistent inbound access controls.
  • Varied user experience: Access control mechanisms differ across services (Portal, API, CLI, etc.).
  • Scalability challenges: Managing compliance and auditing is complex, requiring custom Azure Policies for each service.

Existing patterns

Here are the existing patterns to avoid public endpoints and to secure access:

Network Access Control features in Azure

Here are the features available on Azure:

  • Network Security Group (NSG)
  • Azure Firewall Network Rule
  • Azure Virtual Network Manager (AVNM) Admin Rule
  • Network Security Perimeter (Private Preview)

Azure Network Security Perimeter (NSP)For PaaS Resources

  • Centrally manage your ACLs
  • Centralized mechanism for Access Controls (PaaS)
  • During Microsoft Ignite 2024, Microsoft announced the public preview of Network Security Perimeter.
  • What is a network security perimeter? | Microsoft Learn
  • A game changer for the future
  • PaaS services only
  • Maybe one day all features will be here
  • API: Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters
  • IAC: Bicep / ARM / Terraform (No provider, no module / AZ API only)


  • Without Network Security Perimeter: Firewall Rules On Every Resource / One firewall rule per resource
  • With Network Security Perimeter: Access Rules /One access rule to secure all the resources


Deploy from Azure portal

Create Inbound and Outbound rules

Associate resources

Modify associated resource (If needed)
