Draw.io VSCode Extension: A Must-Have for Your Diagrams

If you want an integrated solution and avoid multiple external tools (like Visio, PowerPoint, etc.) to create diagrams, here is a very helpful extension.

This unofficial extension integrates Draw.io (also known as diagrams.net) into VS Code.

To create a new diagram, just create an empty *.drawio, *.drawio.svg, or *.drawio.png file and open it.

.drawio.svg files are valid .svg files that can be embedded in GitHub readme files! No export needed. .drawio.png files are valid .png files! No export needed. You should use .svg whenever possible. It's very practical when you make updates without re-importing everything. Just make the change and that’s all.

Download is available here: Draw.io Integration – Visual Studio Marketplace

Here is the demo: